We believe that everyone serving in a high-risk occupation should be equipped with emergency medical supplies that are within reach when they are needed - and now there's no excuse!
Introducing the Ankle Medical Kit (AMK) from Tacmed Solutions. The 'AMK' is a major leap in medical capabilities for individuals serving in personal protection roles, positions requiring the wear of a non-standard uniform, and for law enforcement officers who have run out of space on their load bearing vest or duty belt.
Designed to carry a SOFTT-W Tourniquet, a Hyfin Vented Chest Seal, and a hemostatic (QuikClot) or standard gauze, the AMK disappears in the pleat of your pants and most other uniform bottoms.
The soft and flexible material allows the AMK to be worn for long periods of time, comfortably, while being secure enough to handle rapid movement without losing the kit or its contents. Another (very awesome) feature of the AMK is that when the internal components have been utilised - the wrap itself can be used as a compression wrap!